
Showing posts from August, 2018

WhatsApp Hack- How to format and send your messages in Bold, Italic Strike-through or Monospace

WhatsApp has many hidden features and most of the  people does not know how to use it. In WhatsApp messenger it is possible to make your message texts bold or italics, add a strike-through effect and also you can change WhatsApp font to monospace. Here is the simple hake that allows you to format and send your messages in Bold, Italic Strikethrough or Monospace in WhatsApp messenger . This works in both iPhone and Android OS. How to format and send your messages in Bold, Italic Strike-through or Monospace Formatting your messages in WhatsApp allows you to format selected text inside your messages. Bold To bold your WhatsApp message, place an asterisk on both sides of the text message, like bellow *TechNutpam* Bold WhatsApp message Italic To italicize your message in WhatsApp , you need to place an underscore on both sides of the text, like below _TechNutpam_ WhatsApp Format text Italic Strikethrough To strike through your message in WhatsApp, Just place