How to download/Save WhatsApp Status or stories without using any App

I have seen people were using many down loaders to download WhatsApp status video, pictures and messages then save it in their Phones. There is a simple way to save the WhatsApp messages.

How to download/Save WhatsApp Status or stories without using any App

When you see the status of any WhatsApp friends, the media files get automatically downloading to the hidden. Status folder which is located in your phone/ tablet's internal storage. You can manually save those files into your Phone.

Using the following simple steps, you can download/Save WhatsApp Status or stories without using a downloader app

Step1: Open WhatsApp

Step 2: Go to Status tab and Watch your friend’s WhatsApp status of whom you want to save.

Step 3: Now open File Manager App in your phone or tablet.

Step 4: Enable “show hidden folder” Option in your file manager.

All the file managers has this option in their menu.

Step 5: Open WhatsApp folder.

Step 6: In WhatsApp folder, open media folder.

Step 7: In the media folder there is a faded folder, named ”.Statuses” open it.

Step 8: All the viewed WhatsApp status images and videos will be available in this folder. Now copy the status videos or any picture to other place in your phone.

If you like this How to download/Save WhatsApp Status or stories without using any App Don't forget to share with your friends..


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